11 Motivational Quotes To Brighten Your Day

Today is a beautiful day. That may be a sickeningly sweet way to start a post, but when I’m surrounded by blue sky, warm sun, flowers in bloom, and a freshly brewed coffee in hand… it’s sort of perfect!

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This Drugstore Makeup Remover Gives Me Life

As a fan of minimal makeup, I really live by the old adage, “less is more.” There’s just something about wearing little to no makeup that feels so… free. Maybe this is the inner feminist in me coming out, but I think it’s actually just as simple as: gunk on your face just never feels good (just…

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Five Ways To Stay Chilled This Christmas

The silly season does something funny to us. There’s just something about Mariah’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” that activates some primal part of my brain reserved for mince pies and tinsel that nothing else can touch.

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The Korean Sunscreen That Makes My Skin Glow

We all know by now that Korea is the queen of cosmetics. It’s pretty self-evident. But I’m still constantly amazed at just how good their sunscreens are — which I was not expecting. When I was in Korea, I pretty quickly caught onto the fact that Korean women take great care of their skin, and this…

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Sample Sunday: Nature Republic Collagen Dream Skin Booster & Emulsion

I’ve been loving Nature Republic for a damn long time now — and this ain’t changing. While I know there are myriad other K-beauty brands out there that are perhaps more sensible and high end, there’s just something so fun about the high street K-beauty brands. Plus, I actually like a bunch of their products, and the…

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Saturday Six: My Favourites Of The Week

I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m a big fan of alliteration. I think it all started with Enid Blyton’s Famous Five, followed closely by the Secret Seven. All the adventure those kids got up to — I could only dream of living wild and free like that! So I thought I’d start a new little…

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Current Favourite (And Flattering) Lip Products

I’m a sucker for lip products. Who isn’t? (Probably a lot of people, really.) But honestly, when it comes to beauty products, there is nothing easier to pick up and accidentally slip into your basket like a lipstick/gloss/balm thing. They’re small, they’re harmless, and they’re oh-so-pretty.

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The Incredible Beauty Freebies Priceline Gave Me

I’m a big fan of Priceline. For the uninitiated, Priceline is Australia’s answer to Boots or perhaps CVS — a magical place where dreams come true. And they sell stuff. Lots of stuff, especially beauty things. Hence, my love for it. 

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A Bunch Of Beauty Minis That Please Me Greatly

There’s something about minis. The cuteness, the fact that they should be big, but they’re small… they just get me everytime. And when they’re luxury mini beauty products? Well, then it’s just game, set, match.

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Review: April Skin Pinky Piggy Carbonated Pack

As I mentioned in my last post, BB Cosmetic contacted me a little while back to try a couple things from their store. Being an avid K-beauty fan since way back when (2013), I of course was chuffed and excited to try a few new things. And how could I go past the April Skin…

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