Sample Sundays: Etude House Wonder Pore Corrector (Review)

Hello friends!

I am back with another instalment of Sample Sundays! I must say I am impressed with myself the consistency of this series. As I have mentioned before, I really like writing these posts and I look forward to them every week. If I had it my way, every day of the week would have its own series, although that could get slightly predictable! But I’ll work on it 😉

Today’s sample is Etude House‘s Wonder Pore Corrector!

Etude House Wonder Pore Corrector sample
Etude House Wonder Pore Corrector sample

I’m not a big Etude House fan (more of a Nature Republic gal myself) and I don’t shop there often. To be honest, I find the sugary pink, sickeningly sweetness of it a little, well sickening at times. However! I have purchased a number of things from there which have really impressed me and forced me to look beyond the packaging. I usually head there during a sale (such as today… oops), although I can’t help but notice that I have only received samples with non-sale items in non-sale periods. Nature Republic don’t play like that!

But as you can see, it worked out alright and that is the store of this sample!

So what is this product? When I mentioned it last week, I actually had no idea, and it was only recently when reading this post on Hello Pretty Bird! (one of my favourite blogs) that I started to get an inkling of what it did. Basically, it is a spot treatment designed to help your pimples and blemishes heal faster. It is part of a 384984034 step range available at Etude House (aren’t all Korean skincare ranges enormous, ever-growing beasts/gems?!) and it is meant to be used as the last step in your routine.

The Wonder Pore Spot Corrector has a thin, gel-like consistency and blends easily into the skin. I’m not sure if you’re only supposed to wear this at night (it doesn’t specify – at least not in English) but I wore it in the morning and felt absolutely no tightness or irritation whatsoever. Considering there is a flurry of toxic dust from China in the air right now, that is impressive in and of itself! Have a peek here:

A swatch of the Wonder Pore Corrector
A swatch of the Wonder Pore Corrector

One thing that I did notice straightaway is the scent. As Rebecca mentioned, it has a very strong scent of alcohol and I did sort of feel like I was rubbing vodka on my face. So no different to my usual Saturday morning then! Badum tish!

To be honest, I didn’t mind it too much, especially considering it’s an acne product. But I don’t really see how this differs from other spot treatments. It felt exactly the same as Nature Republic’s Blemish Lab Spot Treatment. It’s thin and easily spreadable as well, got lots of alcohol in it and it actually comes in a very similar applicator to this one too. And as y’all know, I’d much rather represent Nature Republic all day, err day.

That’s not to say that this product is ineffective, although I think I would need more time and usage with it to conclusively tell. To me, blemishes are usually (always) a reflection of what is going on inside, and external, topical treatments can only do so much. However, if you were in a bind, using an alcohol-based product such as this one would help to dry out the spot and hopefully speed up the healing process.

For your convenience, my skin actually decided to bring out the big guns in terms of blemishes. I landed a ‘corcker’ on my jawline (I’m putting it down to forgetting my zinc tablets numerous times) and a smaller one on my cheek, and I do feel that the Wonder Pore Spot Corrector helped somewhat. Don’t be deceived: the following picture features flattering lighting from a flattering camera. It is still a big spot BUT it does look slightly more manageable now:

Me with blemishes :(
Me with blemishes 🙁

Would I purchase this product again? Possibly… but probably not. To be honest, I have other methods to keep my skin (generally) clear, such as the aforementioned zinc (this is a HUGE one for me), using an astringent toner during the warmer months (I’m looking at your Witch Hazel and Aveda’s Skin Firming/Toning Agent), eating healthily, exercising and (shock horror!) getting my beauty sleep. This last one actually doesn’t happen as often as it should, which may also account for my patchy skin lately. But anyway!

This product would be useful if you need something quick, cheap and cheerful to apply in a rush, and if you don’t mind strong alcoholic scents. It hasn’t strengthened my overwhelming indifference toward Etude House, but I’m hoping today’s purchase of their Moistfull Collagen Cream can. Fingers crossed!

That’s it for today’s review, I hope you enjoyed this sample o’ mine. Next Sunday’s sample? It’s *drumroll*…  Beyond‘s Nature Defense Shampoo! This is a relatively low-key, natural Korean brand that doesn’t get as much press as it perhaps should. Most importantly, it doesn’t test on animals!

My friend Natallia really likes this brand and has purchased a number of products from them, although I am yet to do the same. But perusing our Guri branch of Beyond with her, I found myself loving their Avocado Shield Most Essence. So divine! It may just be my next essence purchase. In the meantime, she gifted me four samples of this shampoo which I am really excited to try. Weirdly enough, it doesn’t come with the matching conditioner, but hey, focus is a great thing!

If you want more options to check out this product (or many other products), have a look here:
Amazon | W2Beauty | Wishtrend | iBuyBeauti | KollectionK

Thanks for reading everyone! I love your comments so keep them coming, they really keep me going 🙂 Until next time,

Steph x

8 comments Add yours
  1. Ahahaha I’m still giggling at your vodka joke.

    “To me, blemishes are usually (always) a reflection of what is going on inside, and external, topical treatments can only do so much.”

    I agree with you here. I have tried pink powder spot treatments from Korea, other external/topic treatments and honestly I don’t see a difference either way. The few times I get acne, it feels like staying its course…no product is going to force that sucker out, not with a nice thick skin barrier to keep it cozy. I do want to try those hydrocolloid patches Rebecca was talking about though!

    And thank you for doing this review! I have a sample of this and I had no idea what it does despite being an EH fanatic. I seriously had about 10 guesses as to what this is, and I was wrong on each count lol.

    1. Oh I totally agree with your assessment of the ‘nice thick skin barrier to keep it cozy’, lol so true! Yes everyone uses patches here (I’m not sure if they are quite the same ones though) but I haven’t quite cottoned on yet :S To be honest, I think this product did make some difference and slightly lessened my monster spot, but I don’t want to rely on it you know? I’m trying to take a more holistic approach to my health and skin, one vegetable at a time 😉

      And oh no problem about the review, lol you are too cute. I really enjoy sorting through my mountain of samples and actually using them (shock horror!) so it’s beneficial for me too hehe. I think my cupboard is reaching breaking point, and yet I still want to buy more…?! 😉 Thanks for your comment as always <3

  2. It really does smell like vodka, haha! I’m still not sure if you’re supposed to use this morning/night or what. Doesn’t matter if you’re not going to use it again, I guess. I think you’re right about blemishes having to do more with internal factors… for me it’s usually a combo of hormones, poor diet and stress. Spot treatments can reduce the longevity of unwanted face visitors that have already surfaced though. That said, I’ve had the best luck with really simple treatments (like the Nexcare patches or basic clay masks).

    Anyway, I’ve been really curious about Beyond, so I’d love to read reviews of their stuff!

    1. I completely agree with your comment, the quality of my skin is generally always related to that holy trinity (hormones, diet and stress) of health. But yes it did work to an extent and calmed down my breakout, which I always appreciate! I like clay masks too for this reason, and just generally when I’m feeling a bit oily, although I haven’t dared to use one in this dry winter :S And yes Beyond looks/is so nice! I’ve hardly tried their products but the ones I have tested, I liked. My friend has bought heaps of things from there so I will probably cave eventually. I shall keep you posted 😉 thanks for commenting!

  3. You know what? I haven’t bought a skincare product for zits since I was 14. I use tea tree oil. Not a lot (oh GOD don’t use a lot… it’s potent). It dries that junk up so fast. I luuuurve it. But I agree with you – acne is an internal issue. So eating healthy, getting enough sleep, ZINC, and drinking tons of water is always the best remedy 🙂

    Also, MiscBliss, I love you (in a non-creepy way, like as a blogger…). However, I have to say, how DARE you call Etude’s sugary pinkness sickening. Blasphemer! 😛 Just kidding. I do love Etude though and I’m a sucker for the packaging. Even if some of the products are useless. Oooo the company sees me coming and laughs all the way to the bank. That’s ok though (as I sit here with Etude gel collagen patches on my eyes).

    1. Oh I’ve tried tea tree oil before and I agree it is super potent! Probably a bit too much for me, but it definitely works ^^ And lol re: Etude House! I will admit that a lot of the packaging is super cute and they are winning me over (I’m very excited about my Moistfull Collagen Cream), but… I don’t know, it’s just not my ‘special place’ you know? And I love pink and everything! Now, Nature Republic on the other hand… ohhh baby. I have spent a small fortune there and I will continue to do so. I guess when you know, you just know 😉

    1. Ooh please do! I love reading about people’s different samples and new products… Not that I have enough of my own or anything! It’s so satisfying just finishing something, and it’s particularly fun when you actually like it 😉 Thanks for your comment! ^^

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