Discovering Kuala Lumpur

Recently I have had the pleasure of having two of my friends to stay with me (and Gav) in our new digs. It’s been great – is there anything better than hanging out with friends from all over the world in a random third country? I don’t think so (unless you count curry, lemon tart…

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How I Became a Sweaty Monster (And What I’m Doing About It)

If you’ve ever been to Malaysia, Thailand, India… hell, anywhere within cooee of the equator, you will know that the tropics are no. joke. Seriously, they take no mercy but will instead take all your dignity when it comes to personal hygiene. Trust me, I’ve learnt this the hard way, and today I want to…

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KL Cuisine #1: Third Wave Cafe, Bangsar South

Sooo, before I left Korea, I started a brief but glorious series called Guri Greats. I actually have a lot more places to post about, but seeing as I’m not living there anymore… It’s kinda hard. Anyway, I decided to start something similar for my time in Kuala Lumpur, especially because there are so many…

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An Introduction to Malaysia

As you know by now, I am currently in Malaysia, sitting, resting and sitting some more. It’s bliss. I loved this country from the moment I stepped off the plane, and it seems to be getting better and more interesting with every day. I know I am incredibly excited, but you know, I feel like…

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