Questioning the Universe and Taming my Hair

Ever since I became a bludger/unemployed drone/vacationer in Malaysia, I have had more time than before (ie. when I had basically zero time and actually zero energy) so do some thinking. So a-thinkin’, I have been! And a funny conundrum has occurred to me once more – no matter how much or how little I’m…

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How to Shift Annoying Winter Weight (From Someone Who Knows)

About five years ago, I changed up my complete eating habits and lost about 10kg. That is a lot of weight to lose, and sometimes when I think about it, I can barely believe it. However, it happened, and I really like knowing that I did it all by myself. Just before I left Korea,…

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An Introduction to Malaysia

As you know by now, I am currently in Malaysia, sitting, resting and sitting some more. It’s bliss. I loved this country from the moment I stepped off the plane, and it seems to be getting better and more interesting with every day. I know I am incredibly excited, but you know, I feel like…

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So… I’m in Malaysia! Yep, it’s happened, and I couldn’t be happier. I know I have been off the radar for about a month, and I pray that you will forgive me, dear readers! You know, I’ve really missed blogging, and it was really difficult because for a while I didn’t quite feel like myself….

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Guri Greats #2: Lotte Department

Hi friends! Today I bring you another instalment in the Guri Greats series, featuring the one and only Lotte Department! I previously wrote about Bom Nal Bunch Cafe, which you must check out (really, you must). Today, I am taking it in a different direction, from cute, quirky, independent cafe to behemoth, chae bol, consumerist department…

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4 Ways to Stay Happy in Winter

I have a confession to make: I’m one of those people. Someone who claims, “my favourite season is winter, I just love how fresh and cold and snuggly everything is!”. Now, while this is all true (does it get any snugglier than 6 layers plus a beanie and furry gloves? No, it does not), living…

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Welcome to 2015 (and a surprise announcement…)!

Hi friends, First of all: I know. I have left you stranded for far too long. Trust me, I’ve felt it too. There has been no content on here in a long time, and I have genuinely missed it. Let me fill you in on what’s been happening. First of all, there was Christmas. So, I…

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Merry Christmas (or something)!

Whatever the 25th of December means to you, I hope you’ve spent it/will spend it with people you love and food you love to eat. I know I did. In fact, I am just now considering going back for seconds of my mum’s delicious chicken with pistachios and cranberries – so what if it’s 11:15pm?…

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Video: The Monday Vlog #5!

Okay, so I know it’s really not Monday… but still, surprise! I realised after the last Monday Vlog that I had forgot to put a bit of extra footage in. Couple that with the fact that I haven’t taken many shots this week and you’ve got this bumper/catchup/binge session on your hands. Yep, I’m good to…

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How Milk Ruins Your Skin

So I’ve decided to give up milk (again). Now, when I say “give up”, I initially meant it loosely and forgave myself if I ever reneged on this promise. However, after my episode a little while ago where milk completely destroyed my appetite and my body for a good 5 days, I’ve since given up on being easy on…

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