Blog Inspiration & Posts That are a Joy to Read

Today I thought I’d share a little love, do a little dance… and blog tonight?! Something along those lines. I feel like I’ve been slightly out of touch of the blogging Scene and haven’t really been sharing the blogs and posts that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Until now! 

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27 Things in My 27 Years

Hi friends! So I started writing this post a while ago and then left it “to sit for a while” (which is a bit of a habit of mine). Twenty-seven is one of life’s big milestones (not), and I thought, what better way to commemorate it than by telling y’all some useless pieces of information about myself?…

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The Hidden Value of ‘Slow Days’.

Do you feel guilty when you take a little time for yourself? Do you feel like you are doing ‘nothing’, even though you could list a number of tasks you have completed today? Would you hate to bump into certain people for fear of having to explain and justify your way of life? I have…

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Getting Grateful.

Sometimes I think I would benefit from getting out of my own head and checking in with the real world. Being present certainly has a lot of upsides. It would help with those niggling feelings that I am ‘missing out’ or that ‘other people are doing cooler/better/more things than me’. Blah blah , whinge whinge. Those…

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Net Worth? Not Really.

Want to make yourself upset? Try Googling celebrities’ net worth. Whenever the thought comes to me, I will look up some irrelevant public figure’s net worth, and then proceed to feel a little bit bad that my net worth is but a fraction of theirs. I know it doesn’t make sense, but that doesn’t always…

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